SUPER OFFER until September 2 — for morning and evening jumps in Krasnaya Polyana with up to 30% discount!
The discount applies only to jumps at 8:00 and 9:00am: Instead of 25,000 rubles — 17,000 rubles, instead of 35,000 rubles — 25,000 rubles. The same discount is valid for the jump time at 15:00 and 17:30, but only when booking from 2 people.
The nearest schedule (additional flights are possible 2-3 days in advance):
August 31 — 8:15, 11:15
September 1 — 8:15, 11:15
September 2 — 8:15, 11:15
Step out of the AN-28 plane and fly over the mountains… Free fall from an altitude of +4000 meters and fly under a parachute canopy. This is so breathtaking that every time we remember out jump, goosebumps on out skin are not just running, they do somersaults!
How will it happen?
We book a time and slot for your jump — on the day with the best weather conditions. On the day of the jump we will meet at our office near the Sochi airport where you can fill out the necessary documents, get acquainted with your personal instructor and have your first briefing. Next — the adventure begins!
In the company of the same brave and determined people, you will be delivered in a minibus to the Sochi airport. Further — absolutely the same check-in procedure for the flight, as if you were flying from Sochi or any other city. You will be given a boarding pass for a special flight to Krasnaya Polyana. Your personal instructor will be your best friend during these super adrenaline minutes from passing through the checkpoints in the airport until the moment you land!
At this moment you are holding a ticket with a rare combination of departure and arrival points: SOCHI-ADLER. And your luggage is only your phone! And nothing more! It’s so cool to be flying light isn’t it? Waiting for your exit into the sky.
By this time your mind my start panicking and imagining — how you will in a few moments STEP OUT OF THE AIRPLANE… FROM +4000m above the ground… IN THE AIR… ARE A NORMAL PERSON?!?! The rest of the passengers at the Sochi airport are looking at your company as crazy — let’s face it, not everyone is ready for such enchanting madness! Many dream, but to challenge oneself is too daring. But very real and available!
30 minutes — Registration and briefing at the office (building near Sochi airport)
10 minutes — Transfer to the terminal
30 minutes — Complete pre-flight procedures
20 minutes — Flight and parachute jump
30 minutes — Transfer from the landing area in Krasnaya Polyana back to our office
The total time is proximately 2 hours (but be prepared that it may take more time — because of the weather conditions).
Jumps take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Which plane will we fly?
This will be the AN-28 aircraft. Let’s take off! Houses turn into matchboxes, the Black Sea sends greetings to your pleasant excitement, and then the views from the best films about special agents begin — the tops of the mountains in the window.
The instructor re-instructs. Scary and calm at the same time. From the height — gained +4000 meters. From the sensation of flight — the sound of the motor enhances perception. From fantasy all around there are mountains that you look at not from bottom to top, but from top to bottom.
And then — EXIT! You are standing on the edge of the board. Into the account — ONCE TWO THREE! — you take a step! There will be all the banal phrases in my head — is it really me ?! What am I doing?! Bl … how scary! — but on the number THREE, you just take a step in the sky. At an altitude of 4 km above the ground. Step into free flight. It is indecent to put so many exclamation marks in one paragraph, but believe me — even the letters start jumping at the memory of this. Definitely for the brave. And definitely these are the minutes that include all the emotions inside at once!
Free flight from an altitude of +4000 meters lasts 60 seconds.
We ourselves are curious how loud you will scream with happiness! When you step out of an airplane into an endless space. And under your feet — air, mountains, rivers, lakes .. We envy these first sensations in advance !!! UV …. !!!
The instructor opens the dome at an altitude of +1800 meters. Now you can open your arms and breathe adrenaline !!! IT’S YOU! AND YOU — LE-TIIIIISH !!!
At what moment it will be scary again is a mystery. Depends on how much you fear heights. Our personal gradient of emotions: wild delight, volumetric fear, boundless pride in ourselves and joy. Admiration and tears at the same time. Literary turns and obscene words at once.
Jump cost
Video editing of the video, transfer «office — airport», «landing site — office», as well as branded jersey are included in the price.
Price RUB 25000
Price 35000 rubles
The parachute equipment of the world top manufacturers Sigma UPT is used. The aircraft undergo annual airworthiness certification. Tandem instructors with many years of experience and international licenses jumping all over the world.
How to behave during the flight?
The main rule is to listen to the instructor. Ask how much jumps they made in their lives. This will help you calm down. When instructor Kolya said 1600 times, we said this phrase out loud several times. One thousand six hundred times. How is it?!?!? Then we tried to figure out that we did this in principle — 1600 times. Some of the guys joked: «Well, they probably brushed their teeth.» It’s funny for you, but we counted! The number 1600 times to brush your teeth «runs» in two years. And here a man made so many jumps with a parachute … And there are guys in the team who made 11,000 jumps. This figure does not fit into the screen of a household calculator of consciousness at all.
With such instructors — NOT scary! Everything’s under control. It is only important to listen carefully and strictly follow the rules.
Necessarily! How to prepare for the jump:
1. Take your passport. Check three times. The jump will not take place without a passport.
2. Comfortable shoes with laces. We were fine in sneakers.
3. Be sober. The only way. Emotions will be intoxicating.
What are the restrictions on admission to the jump?
Everyone from 14 years old can jump in tandem (up to 17 years old — with the written consent of parents and in their presence) and weighing no more than 90 kg. Medical contraindications include: serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system; shoulder dislocations; recent surgeries; diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems; epilepsy; the presence of a pacemaker; pregnancy.
This is gorgeous madness
which not everyone can afford. And it’s not about the fact that it costs 25,000 rubles. Everyone perfectly understands what the price consists of — services of an international airport, an airplane, a team of mega professionals, equipment, transfers, and views-views-views. Jump with a parachute not somewhere over the plain, but in the mountains!
Therefore, if you have a choice — to buy another not so and necessary thing, or to get emotions, from the memories of which your eyes will light up … Choose what is closer to your character!
Amazing emotional experience
It’s overwhelmingly curious to know how much courage you have to reclassify your fear into a limitless sense of flight. With the further transmission of this sensation in life.
Free fall and flying under the dome in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana. After the jump, the thoughts are completely new! Especially suitable for those who are ready to go further and only forward — in everything.
Call or write to the number + 7-928-44-88-903 (What’sApp, Telegram) to book jumps.